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Insurance for Iowa Businesses

What is Business Insurance?

Business Insurance, also known as Commercial insurance, serves as a safeguard for your business, providing necessary coverage to protect your Iowa-based operation from unforeseen losses or disasters. Certain professional associations, licensing boards, or state agencies may require evidence of insurance before a business can commence operations within the state. This highlights the importance of such coverage, even if not universally mandated. Without adequate protection, your business could face financial ruin or other severe consequences stemming from accidents, mistakes, or natural disasters.

Commercial insurance policies in Iowa might differ from more familiar types of insurance like homeowners or personal auto policies, as they often involve multiple individual policies covering various aspects of your business, rather than a single comprehensive package. This can be surprising to new business owners. However, many insurers do offer a Business Owners Policy, bundling several types of coverage into one package. While this package might not cover all possible needs, it’s beneficial to explore the diverse types of insurance coverages that Iowa businesses commonly utilize.

Types of Business Insurance used in Iowa

Business insurance can get pretty complicated with all the different types there are - let us explain the different types that are out there so you can fully understand what coverages your business needs.

General Liability Insurance 

Commercial General Liability Coverage (CGL) is an essential type of insurance widely used by businesses in Iowa. This coverage offers substantial protection in several key areas, including Advertising Injury, which is important for safeguarding your reputation. CGL insurance is vital for defending against potential liabilities that could arise from your business operations. It covers any injuries or damages that occur on your business premises or as a direct result of your activities. Additionally, it provides protection against the losses related to defective products that your business might supply or that occur during the production process. The standard policy limit for commercial general liability coverage typically starts at $1,000,000 per incident, with options to increase based on your business's specific requirements.

Commercial Auto Insurance

A commercial auto insurance policy provides coverage that protects against bodily injury liability and property damage liability resulting from the negligence of drivers while using company-owned autos or commercial vehicles. This policy offers compensation for damages caused by accidents involving vehicles owned and/or operated by the insured business.

The liability portion of the policy covers claims for either bodily injury or property damage when it is determined that the driver of the business or commercial vehicle was at fault for the accident, including cases of partial fault. This aspect of the coverage is designed to compensate others for any damages they suffer.

The physical damage part of the policy, which includes comprehensive or collision coverage, addresses damages sustained by the insured business's vehicles, whether from an at-fault accident or events like a hail storm. Additionally, it is beneficial to include rental vehicle coverage in the policy to mitigate potential revenue losses if the vehicle is unavailable for use due to a claimable incident.

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers' compensation insurance offers benefits to employees who incur injuries from work-related incidents. In Iowa, this insurance can cover medical expenses, wage loss compensation, vocational rehabilitation services, and death benefits. While federal law does not mandate workers' compensation coverage universally, Iowa businesses are legally required to carry it. Single member entities in Iowa are not required to provide workers' compensation, but a worker's compensation opt out form is available on the state's website. 

Examples of incidents where workers' compensation could benefit an Iowa business include:

  • A chef in a Des Moines restaurant who sustains burns from hot grease and requires hospitalization followed by months of recovery.
  • A construction worker in Cedar Rapids who trips and falls in the construction area, necessitating a visit to the emergency room and subsequent physical therapy.
  • A truck driver from Sioux City involved in a car accident while on a long haul trip, leading to hospitalization.

Workers' compensation benefits help manage medical costs and compensate for lost income due to workplace accidents. Additionally, carrying this insurance limits an employer's liability in the event of an employee's injury. Given the rising medical costs and associated expenses, it is not only advisable for Iowa businesses to have this coverage to mitigate financial risks from claims, it is required by law.

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance, also known as Errors & Omissions Insurance (E&O Insurance), is essential for safeguarding you and your Iowa-based business from lawsuits stemming from your professional services. This type of policy is crucial for a wide range of businesses including construction companies, real estate agents, medical professionals, lawyers, accountants, architects, engineers, financial institutions, manufacturers, and technology firms, among others.

E&O Insurance ensures that your clients can be compensated for any financial or non-financial losses that may arise from mistakes or oversights made by you or your employees while providing professional services or advice. Although non-economic damages have limitations in some states, it's vital to recognize that financial damages, such as lost income due to disability or death, are not limited in Iowa. Therefore, it is wise to secure sufficient coverage to minimize your risk of significant legal costs and damages from potential lawsuits. This approach not only protects your business financially but also upholds your professional integrity by ensuring that any errors can be rectified without severe repercussions.

Business Property Insurance

Your business's buildings, any of business's personal property, and the personal property of others make up the core sections of your commercial insurance policies in Iowa. You have the option to purchase these coverages either as separate policies or together as a combined package.

The building coverage in your insurance policy includes the structure itself and any permanent additions. This part of the policy accounts for things like permanently attached equipment and fixtures, valuing them as part of the building. The insurance limit for a building is calculated based on the estimated cost to repair or replace it entirely if it were completely destroyed. In most cases, there is also a coverage requirement that needs to be met, and that is called Coinsurance. For an example, if the full replacement cost of your building is $150,000 and the coinsurance requirement is 80%, you need to maintain at least $120,000 in coverage. If your coverage falls below this amount, the coinsurance clause triggers, and you'll only receive partial payment for any damages, which could lead to significant out-of-pocket costs for your business.

Business Personal Property covers movable items like furniture, fixtures, machinery, and equipment that aren't permanently fixed to the building. Think about picking up your building, tipping it over and shaking it - everything not permanently attached that falls out would be considered business personal property. It also includes your business's inventory and any other personal property you use in your business activities in Iowa.

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance is essential for protecting Iowa businesses against the digital risks associated with technology use. This coverage addresses common cyber threats like malware and social engineering attacks, and it also covers situations such as an employee accidentally leaving their laptop in an unsecured location.

Here are some prevalent types of cyber threats:

  • Malware: This is harmful software designed to steal data or disrupt operations. Malware can be spread through email attachments, compromised websites, infected USB drives, and other digital means.
  • Social Engineering: These attacks manipulate individuals into divulging confidential information by exploiting human vulnerabilities such as trust and naivety.

In Iowa, any business that stores customer information electronically, processes electronic payments, or uses email for business communications should consider cyber liability insurance. This insurance not only helps mitigate the risks of cyber attacks but also typically includes coverage for identity theft, providing an added layer of security for both the business and its clients.

Iowa Business Owners Policy

Navigating insurance options can indeed be complex. Fortunately, insurance agents at DSMIG are equipped to assist businesses across the state with their coverage needs daily. Whether you operate a contracting company in Des Moines, a restaurant in Waukee, or a non profit in Polk County, the expertise of our licensed agents can help you compile a comprehensive suite of policies designed to minimize your business's risk exposure. One effective strategy is through a Business Owners Policy, which consolidates various liability insurance policies into one streamlined policy, addressing multiple coverage needs within a single commercial insurance framework. This approach simplifies managing your insurance while ensuring broad protection for your business.

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